The premium ad-free version of Business Finance Guide Free. Designed for those who have either a natural aptitude for numbers or a background in accounting therefore can find the basic formulas and concepts a grind. We give a quick overview and appreciation of the principals, ratios, and equations including definitions of each element.
- Simple and user friendly built to support students and by default SME business owners and managers.
- Gives a quick appreciation of the principals, how they work, and what they measure.
- Download and be in a position to refer back as a refresher or work with ongoing.
- For students without a direct focus on accounting, this provides a grounding and ongoing support for their study.
- Apps have been built as an update to the original CRM software sold for over ten years on both EBay and in New Zealand on Trade me.
- SME Business owners and managers in the past had found the original CRM software functionally capable across multiple business sectors and industries.
- Likewise the BFG Apps can give users the ability to work with information from their business if required could support structured and tailored reports.